Monday, September 14, 2009


Anyone who knows Nora well knows MOO. He is a little cow cuddle blanket with a cow head in the middle and a hoof on each of the four corners. Nora received this blanket as a shower gift and it immediately became her bedtime favorite. Well, last night she had her pajamas on and had brushed her teeth and we were off to bed and NO COW. We looked everywhere and no cow. She always takes it to church so finally at almost ten o'clock we go to look at church to find Moo. I go in the sanctuary and no cow. I go back to the car and told Del and Nora it wasn't there. Del said "What about the Sunday school class". I told him I never saw it in Sunday school but as long as we were there we may as well look. He got out of the car and Nora asked "Where's Daddy going". I told her and she said "I put him on a chair". I asked if it was a yellow chair in her class and she said "Yes". Del returned with Moo and said it was on a chair on the far side of the table against the wall. We got a late start but did sleep last night.

Several months ago I bought Nora some cute training pants with pretty flowers on them. She was so excited about the panties until I said "When you go Tee Tee in the potty you can wear the panties". She threw up her arms, turned around and went screaming down the hall "NO PANTIES, NO PANTIES, NO PANTIES". Potty training is the one thing she has been behind on. She has wanted nothing to do with a potty. Last night Nora said her diaper was scratchy. I told her that until she could go potty like a big girl she would have to wear the diapers and this morning, guess what. She went to the potty. She is now in her training pants and is very comfortable. I hope this is a trend.


The Byrd's Nest said...

She makes me laugh. Yay for going potty! And YAY for finding Moo!

Morris' said...

When Kristin was 2, we could not find her blankie and look everywhere and it was in the preschool church and we had to get someone to unlock the church. It was a long night. That is so funny I'm glad ya'll found Moo. I'm praying that she continues the Big Girl Panties. She is so funny!

thechapmanfamily said...

yeah!!! I hope my time with Vince will go that smoothly.

Rebecca said...

I couldn't help but laugh when I was reading about Moo. They're so funny at this age..I just love it. I also love the "no panties" while running down the hall. That's priceless!!! ;-)))