Friday, October 13, 2006


We had 9 hours of sleep last night with 7 hours uninterrupted. Nora already has her bath so she is ready for the day. We are doing morning baths because the foster mom requested we keep Nora on her regular rountine. I erased the previous days videos and pictures off the site by mistake last night but I have them back father jitters! I noticed on the previous days videos that you have to click the arrow button twice at the bottom left of the video screen to activiate the video. For some reason the picture is not staying on the screen when you first get on to the site. If anyone has problems accessing the previous days videos then please send me a note back.

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Del, just FYI we can only watch yesterday's videos. Just fix it when you get home..enjoy Nora! Love, The Byrd's