Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Nora had her four year well visit on Friday. She is 39 inches tall and weighs 37 pounds. She had to have immunizations. Five immunization. Four injections. Two in each thigh. She screamed so loud but as soon as they gave her a penguin tub toy she was fine. She refused to take any Motrin on Friday and by evening she was limping on both legs. She would say "It doesn't hurt". Anyway, on Saturday she was fine but told everyone she saw that she had shots. Even at church on Sunday she was telling everyone she had shots. Nora's eye sight was good and her hearing excellent.
Nora is so healthy she hasn't had to go to the doctor much. Her last doctors visit was almost a year ago. We were late with her three year well visit (because of the move) and had it in the fall. She will not need any more immunizations until she is eleven years old. I hate to think about flu shot this year though. She isn't going to like it. She did OK with her flu shot last year but it was only one stick. After having four it will be an ordeal.

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Poor little Nora...but yay on her healthiness! The last time the girls had a "flu shot" in the states it was needles! Maybe that would be better? I had never heard of it until a friend told me but you have to get it early or the doctor's office runs out:)

Love you all!